VIP Matka Head Office: Your Gateway to Exclusive Insights and Winning Strategies: kalyan matka open result today karnataka

Matka Satta Office

Game Release Timings:

Game Open Time Close Time
Kalyan 3:30 PM 5:35 PM
Main Bazar 8:30 PM 10:45 PM

If you open your booking at these times in your city, you will get the following results:

You will get results that are 100% pass.

Call now: 07709144528

Weekly Membership:

Membership Fee: RS 25,000

To secure, save your mobile number on WhatsApp, and make a payment of RS 5,000.

Service will start immediately after payment with full color print, single open, single jodi, single panna. Office game.

Monday, 8 April 2024

kalyan matka open result today karnataka

Matka Office - Today's Pass

Today's Pass:

  • Open: [Open Number]
  • Jodi: [Jodi Number]
  • Panna: [Panna Number]
  • kalyan leek game call: [07709144528]

Today's Office Pass:

कल्याण kalyan

Open: [Open 4 ]

Jodi: [Jodi 44 ]

Panna: [panna open 347 panna close 338 ]

Today's Office Pass:

मेन बाजार main bazar

Open: [Open 6]

Jodi: [Jodi 69]

Panna: [Panna open 169 panna close 489]

Today's Office Pass:


Open: [Open 5 ]

Jodi: [Jodi 57 ]

Panna: [panna open 258 panna close 368 ]

Today's Office Pass:

sridevi night

Open: [Open 1]

Jodi: [Jodi 11]

Panna: [Panna open 560 panna close 560]


Matka Satta Office

Game Release Timings:

Game Open Time Close Time
Kalyan 3:30 PM 5:35 PM
Main Bazar 8:30 PM 10:45 PM

If you open your booking at these times in your city, you will get the following results:

  • Kalyan Open with Panna: 2:40 AM
  • Kalyan Close: 4:30 AM
  • Main Bazar Open with Panna: 8:40 AM
  • Main Bazar Close: 8:40 AM

You will get results that are 100% pass.

Call now: 07709144528

Weekly Membership:

Membership Fee: RS 15,000

To secure save your mobile number whats app, make a payment of RS 1,000.

Service will start immediately after payment with full color print, single open, single jodi, single game


Open: 169-61-489

Time: 09:55PM - 12:10 PM


Open: 560-11-560

Time: 10:01 PM - 12:00 PM


Open: 347-44-338

Time: 04:42PM - 06:35 PM


Open: 258-57-368

Time: 04:30 PM - 06:30 PM


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